Saving changes is not permitted The changes you have made require the following tables to be dropped and re-created. - SQL Server 2008

When you try to change something in SQL Server 2008 related to table, you may encounter a dialog saying the following message
Saving changes is not permitted The changes you have made require the following tables to be dropped and re-created. You have either made changes to a table that can't be re-created or enabled the option Prevent saving changes that require the table to be re-created.

Normally, whenever I faced this message earlier, I used to do the change using SQL command, but today I found something interesting.

Here are the abstracts from that:

New default in SQL Server's Management Tools: When you design a table in
a database and then try to make a change to a table structure that
requires the table to be recreated, the management tools will not allow
you to save the changes. Instead you'll be greeted by this friendly

Notice that there's no option to save the changes - it's a hard rule
that is applied upon saving and you can get past this other than back
out of the dialog.

My first thought here is "Crap! Now what?"
and off I go searching for an option to turn this off. Eventually I find
a solution after a quick search online. As it turns out it's just an annoying
configuration default setting that can be easily changed, but if you're
like me and you spend a while searching around the Management Tools and
finding nothing initially, I ended up eventually backing out of my
initial database changes and losing a bit of work in the process. It
wasn't until a bit later that I found the setting to change.
you'll find this entry before you back out of database changes - you
can get out of the above dialog, make the settings change and then still
go ahead and save changes to your database.
The fix is: Go to
Tools | Options | Designers | Tables and Designers and uncheck the Prevent
Saving Changes
that require table re-creation option:
and that does the trick.

Click here to read the original article by Rick Strahl's blog.

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