Consumer Forum India

Do you have any complain regarding a service you have received, goods you have purchased or any other that you have received after paying some amount?

If there is any problem / issue with the service provider, seller or manufacturer, you can register your complain to consumer forum, India.

Below is their official website where you can submit your complain FREE.

GIF animation not playing in IE

Can you see below animated image?

Sometimes when you open your Internet Explorer any version later than 6+, it will not play animation in it.
To make it possible you will have to following setting in your browser

Awesome Google Feature That You May Not Be Aware Of

Considering yourself as an regular user, have you ever tried logging in to @Google services with some twit in you username? If not, here are some of the ways that you can use as username in Google account login.

We will take your regular username linkoblast as an example.
  • You can use linkoblast as your username.
  • You can use maximum one period (dot '.') in between two characters anywhere in the username. i.e. linkoblast, l.inkoblast, linkob.last, l.i.n.k.o.b.l.a.s.t and linkoblas.t
  • You can use your email id as your username i.e.
  • You can use instead of
Finally, it doesn't make any difference for Google to have a period in username or not.

The file 'Default.aspx.cs' does not exist.

In an ASP.NET project, when you compile your project it shows message "Rebuild Succeeded".

As soon as you run your project you may encounter and error message that says
The file 'Default.aspx.cs' does not exist.
How is it possible, your compilation was successfull and a .cs file is missing :)
Below is the solution that you can look into:

Beautify JavaScript Online

Everybody likes beauty everywhere. When it comes to standards of writing your programming script, we all write JavaScript as an developer of any language either ASP.NET, HTML, PHP  and many others.

Some times it becomes very difficult to read statements written in JavaScript, especially when it is minified through some software or dirtily written by a programmer.

Here is a great link that provides FREE functionality to beautify your JavaScript.

image credit:

SQL Server: Saving changes is not permitted

In MS SQL Server 2008 Management Studio, when you go and edit structure of an table you may hit head with following error:

Saving changes is not permitted. The changes you have made require the following tables to be dropped and re-created. You have either made changes to a table that can't be re-created or enabled the option Prevent saving changes that require the table to be re-created.
I found a simple solution for this error.

Validate Input using Javascript

JavaScript has  been the most accepted language to provide on page validation for all web scripting languages.

Developers working on web applications are keen to provide client side validation on their websites.

I have some of the useful functions that can save your time and Postback for ASP.NET guy :)

Validating the total number of characters allowed in the text box:

Place the following function just above your /Head tag (trying to provide more useful statements for novice )

<script type="text/javascript">

The content type name 'linkoblast' cannot contain: \ / : * ? " # % < > { } | ~ & , two consecutive periods (..), or special characters such as a tab.

I was developing a content type in SharePoint 2010. Everything was good till I entered details in my Form. But it went wrong after I pressed "Create" button.

I got a strange error message as displayed below:
Microsoft.SharePoint.SPInvalidContentTypeNameException: The content type name 'Linkoblast\AddressBook' cannot contain: \  / : * ? " # % &amp;amp;lt; &amp;amp;gt; { } | ~ &amp;amp;amp; , two consecutive periods (..), or special characters such as a tab.

SQL Server : Executing the query "CREATE TABLE [dbo].[###] (Column 0] v..." failed with the following error: "There is already an object named '###' in the database.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly

When I was Importing data from a flat file, I met with the below error:
Error 0xc002f210: Preparation SQL Task 1: Executing the query "CREATE TABLE [dbo].[###] (
[Column 0] v..." failed with the following error: "There is already an object named '###' in the database.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
At very first sight, I couldn't understand. But after some investigation found the resolution.

The request failed. The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.

When accessing any web service you may  face below error mesage:
The request failed. The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.

This can be resolved by adding following code just before you access the Secure web service

ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += delegate(object sender,
X509Certificate certificate,
X509Chain chain,
SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors)
return true;

Click here to view the original link.


SharePoint 2010 - Content Editor Web Part as FREE PDF viewer

If you want to show PDF file in SharePoint site, under browser window itself, below are the simple steps to get that done:
  • Open your SharePoint Site and edit the page
  • Add  a content editor webpart on the page.
  • Add follwoing html (including embed tag) code in that.
<embed allowtransparency="true" frameborder="no" scrolling="no" src="http://localhost/Documents/myPDFFile.pdf" style="height: 900px ! important; width: 100% ! important;"></embed>
  • Save the page.

This will show your PDF in SharePoint website.

Click here to read original article

Gmail’s new look - How to get it

Google has recently introduced a new look for Gmail.

It is totally different from the classic gMail. Below are the steps to get that for your Gmail:

1. Login to your Gmail Account,
2. Navigate to Gmail Settings
3. Click Themes
4. Select "Gmail Preview" theme
5. Click on Inbox

All done, your Gmail will be having a new look...enjoy mailing

/Alpesh Shah

Have your say, give in comments!!
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Is Google Wallet following Google +1?

After making the "+1" hype Google is preparing for its another huge product that will reduce you burdon to keep your wallet with you everywhere :)

Google Wallet is a product that will make you tension free (not really) but at some extent.

If you are interested to have an account for Google Wallet , click HERE to visit the originating site and register youself and remain updated.

Thanks to Manoj Patel for this link...

/Alpesh Shah

Provide your feedback in comments..

GoDaddy Sold for $2.25 Billion

GoDaddy, the world’s largest domain registrar, has been sold to three private equity firms in a deal valued at $2.25 billion, the company announced late Friday.

As a report predicted a week ago, private equity firms KKR & Co., Silver Lake Partners and Technology Crossover....

Click here to read the full news item

Image Credit:

If you find the above link useful, let us know your feedback, it will help us to improve our posting(s). or You can send your feedback linkOblast.
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SharePoint - Allow Anonymous Access on a SharePoint Application Page

Normally SharePoint doesn't allow anonymous access to browse application pages.

By overriding the a property, you will be able to allow anonymous access on your SharePoint Application Page.

Below are the code lines that can help you:

protected override bool AllowAnonymousAccess
//  default it is set to false
return true;
Try closing your browser and reopenit, it will open the page publicly.

If you find the above link useful, let us know your feedback, it will help us to improve our posting(s). or You can send your feedback linkOblast.
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Configure PUSH mail on Android 2.2+ for MSN, HotMail and Live Account

Push Mail will sync everything between your phone and Hotmail MSN or Live, like delete an email, or update one of your contacts with a new number, will also be reflected on the web, and vice-versa.

If you use an email client on your PC that already syncs with Hotmail, like Outlook with the Outlook Connector or Windows Live Mail, what you do on your phone will show up there as well.